Submit your Nominations for the 2022 OMRA Outstanding Contribution & Sportsmanship Awards!
As we wrap up our year, we are looking back at the 2023 race season for exemplary examples from our ridership and community. Each year at our awards banquet we give two specialized awards - The OMRA Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Sport and the OMRA Sportsmanship Award.
We are asking for nominations amongst the OMRA community for both of these awards. Have you seen someone go above and beyond for our sport? Did you witness a racer stop to help in a time of need? Did someone leave a lasting impact on your season?
Send us your nominations! We are finalizing details for our 2022 Series Banquet and will be released them as soon as we can. We look forward to celebrating this year back to the races with all of you. All nominations must be submitted by Friday, January 27 by DM or emailing to