OMRA - Pacific Tractor Comp Report November
The Last Races of 2019 – The Huckleberry Hound, Spoon Creek and the Cowbell in Shedd are in the sunset for 2019. Shedd had the best conditions and courses yet (great job Gary and team!). The Huckleberry had rave reviews with many riders saying it was the “Ride of my life.” The NORA club’s talent and dedication show with each event. Mark these events as a “must ride in 2020.”
Year End Series Points – A final draft of the 2019 Series Points is posted for review by the member racers. The racers have one week to review before they become final. The review period ends on the 15th of November.
Please email questions to .
I would like to thank you all for your patience on the series points for 2019 as we transition to a new point tracking system in 2020. The OMRA team is looking forward to providing a higher level of service in the coming year in membership tacking up and point tracing.
See you at the Awards Banquet February 8th at the World of Speed for family fun, BBQ and prices!