OMRA Monthly Meeting Minutes - 5/2/2018
Monthly OMRA Meeting Minutes
May 2, 2018
Present: Dan H, Chuck W, Tom N, Justin, Dave C, Jordan R, Patty B, Tina C, Shannon R
Dan H discussed the need for a review of the OMRA rules and for a decision to be made as to which rules are enforced and which are not; not a time-sensitive issue and should be discussed in detail at a later date.
General discussion re: the budget and future spending. There is “x” amount of monies designated to different aspects – legislation, trail maintenance etc. Chuck mentioned that there is approx. $1500 from clubs to be donated to the Blue Ribbon and that the OMRA could donate a bit more. Chuck mentioned that a lot of Clubs are now using Moto Tally for scoring, results etc. He talked to Brian about creating a shared database to be accessed by Clubs for events and will get more information for the next meeting.
Tina gave the treasurer report; there is approx. $36,000 in the account. She mentioned that membership has been up and there are lots a new people signing up. An electric version is generated right away, and the physical card is mailed after.
Justin mentioned that most of marketing is an automated process; although there are still a couple aspects that are manual. He believes that the OMRA is better about reaching new folks that the past members. Chuck noted that future efforts should be on reaching non-completion
Tom gave the trail update- he’s been working on the trails down there. Jordan is having some issues getting approvals from the Crooked Finger area folks for the trail workshop and he just might have it in Hood River. The plan is to move the date to October 27th. He mentioned that he has a quad that needs to be repaired; made a proposal to get an estimate for the repairs.
Motion to Adjourn at 8:19pm